How do I start the hiring process?

We understand that hiring an advisor can be a challenging process. We have provided some resources to make that decision easier.


Discover Wealth Advocate Group

When searching for an advisor there are a
few things you should be asking:

What are your credentials?

  • What designations does the advisor/advisor
    group have?

    • Is there a CFP® (Certified Financial
    • Is there a CFA (Chartered Financial

What type of clients do you typically work with?

  • Do you work with clients in similar positions as me?
  • Do you have experience in helping people with ____?
    • Eg: Stock Options, College Savings, Investing my 401(k), Buy/Renting a house, Buy/Leasing a car, etc.

What is your education?

  • Where did you attend college?

Will you be the only one working with me?

  • Are you the only one on your team?
  • Are there other people who would be assisting
    me in other areas such as tax/investing?
  • Would I have a relationship with the whole team or just you?

What is your experience?

  • How long have you been working in this
  • How many clients do you work with?
  • Do you have any client testimonials?

What services do you offer?

  • Do you provide your clients with a variety of

    • Eg: Retirement Planning, Budgeting,
      Investment Advice, Important Life
      Decisions, etc.

Are you a fiduciary?

  • Do you have a legal obligation to work in my
    best interest?

How will I pay for your services/ what is the pricing model?

  • What is the fee structure around your services?

What does being a CFP® mean?


  • They have met the CFP® Board’s requirements for receiving enough credits in relevant coursework at the college level


  • They passed the CFP® Certification Exam
    • The CFP® Board suggests that the number of hours of studying needed for the exam is 250 hours
    • The passing rate is only 60%


  • To receive a CFP® designation one must work for 6,000 hours of related financial planning work before using their designation


  • Being a CFP® means that you have a fiduciary duty to serve in your clients best interest


  • The CFP® Board regularly enforces all of the rules stated in their Standards of Professional Conduct

Make sure that the advisor is right for you

What are you looking for?

  • Retirement Planing/Financial Independence
  • Budgeting
  • Income Tax Planning Strategies
  • Estate Planning Strategies
  • Investment Advice/Asset Allocation
  • Restricted Stock
  • Business Succession
  • Stock Option Planning and Execution
  • Employer Sponsored Retirement

“If you believe an expert can add value, you see value, even if that value can’t be well-quantified in advance.”